Genus Smart Metering Solutions

Making Smart Cities & Smart Grids possible

End to End Metering Solution Provider with Proven capabilities in Design, Technology, Manufacturing, Deployment and Support Services

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Distribution in India

How Efficient Electricity Distribution in India Can Be Achieved?

India in route to achieving Efficient Electricity Distribution  Currently, the electricity distribution scenario in India is changing from traditional one to the smart one. And given the climate crisis and resource shortage, the change to the smart one seems to be the more sustainable option.  However, achieving energy efficiency is easier said than done. It …

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Efficient Electricity

Advanced Metering Infrastructure Service Provider (AMISP) For Sustainable and Efficient Electricity Management

As it stands today, the world is in dire need to switch to sustainability and efficient electricity generation methods. Why? Because there’s a massive amount of energy that’s wasted year after year. This means that the resources that go into generating this electricity are squandered as well. And we’re dependent chiefly on non-renewable sources to …

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Electricity Distribution

Efficient electricity Distribution In India | Genus Power 2022

In the past few years, we’ve witnessed major developments in the electricity distribution sector in India. We have finally achieved universal access to electricity. That said, power distribution is still to be the weakest link in the power supply chain. Utilities, as they are, can’t make investments to improve the quality of energy supply and …

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Renewable energy

Renewable Energy and Sustainability : What Smart Meters Bring to the Table

As the situation stands today, sustainability and renewable energy are the keys to achieving a livable future. Human activity has caused unprecedented levels of harm to our environment, some of which are irreversible. However, there are still areas where improvements can be made. Of such areas, the best one is the energy domain. Specifically, the …

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Smart Electric Meters

Everything you Need to Know About Smart Electric Meters

Let’s face it, the traditional electric meter has gone obsolete. Though they’ve provided reliable service for a long time, with the current sustainability requirements, using them just won’t cut it. Fortunately, smart electric meters, along with distribution transformer, have taken the mantle from conventional meters in providing reliable electrical connections to consumers, along with making …

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How To Maximize Value Out of Your Smart Meters Installations

Smart meters efficiency is unparalleled when compared to traditional meters. That’s why, many countries are in the transition process, switching to these smart alternatives and leaving behind their conventional counterparts. If you too are looking to start a rollout campaign for your smart meters, there are many steps you can take to extract more value …

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Energy Managment

Smart Meters – The First Step in Achieving Efficient Energy Management

With global energy consumption expected to rise exponentially in this decade, efficient energy management is of vital importance. But demand is not the only issue at hand. We are in a time of climate change, with summers getting progressively hotter, and winters shorter. And with energy-efficient solutions alone, we can cut back on greenhouse gas …

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smart energy management

AI and IoT-Driven Smart Grid Technologies for Smart Energy Management

For quite a while, traditional electric grids have been the only way to provide energy to consumers, well at least until smart grid technologies started gaining traction. There are many challenges attached to conventional grids – interrupted power supply, instability, and cost issues. Fortunately, smart grid solutions provide a convenient way to surmount these problems. …

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Single Phase vs Three Phase Energy Meter: A Comparative Analysis

Single-phase vs three-phase energy meters: is there any difference? Of course, there is. Here is a comparative analysis that will explain a lot of differences between these two smart meter systems. Genus meter provides the best power measurement solution for household and commercial uses. However, let’s dive deeper into the two types of meters. Single-phase …

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What exactly is a Smart City?

Lately, there’s been a whole lot of buzz surrounding the concept of a smart city, what with the whole “Smart Cities” mission India has embarked on. Since the term was coined, there has been widespread confusion as to what it is. Is it a futuristic city with flying cars and robots? Will the city have …

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Genus Initiates Smart Meter Installation in Uttarakhand for Enhanced Power Efficiency

Genus becomes first and only Indian Company to get BIS certification for Gas Meters